December 21, 2007

Me and Baby Jesus or A Short Christmas Story 12/21/2007

It goes like this....

I was leaving my house the other morning, it was early.
What did I see, lying in the rocks, by the concrete block wall!!
It was BABY JESUS!!!

I put him in the passenger seat, he looked great there.
I felt so blessed to be driving around with BABY JESUS in my truck!!
Well, I finally found the empty manger where he belonged and placed him in it.
Mary and Joesph were waiting there for him.
The house where he was display seemed dark,
so I did not want to disturb the occupants to let them know
BABY JESUS was back.

Later that day......

On my way back home I thought to myself.....
maybe the people at that house
didn't know BABY JESUS had been taken at all
and if they knew they may want to take him in at night so those bad boys
(because girls wouldn't do such a thing)
can't take him again.
So I stopped.

The people said Yes, they knew he had been stolen
and when they saw him in the manger the next morning...

they thought it was a MIRACLE!!!!!

December 18, 2007

Christmas is Everywhere 12/18/2007

Someone decorated this Creosote Bush on a peak in Thunderbird Park where I go for my workout hike.

Along the trail someone put out pine cones with seed for the birds.

The trail to the top.

The home of a Gile Woodpecker.

I feel so luck to have this place in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Even though civilization is creeping as close as it can.