November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day 2008

So most of you will have tons of photos of a beautiful table setting, lots of gorgeous food and all the wonderful people that you invited over to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I also had some wonderful people over, my little family.
We had a lot of good food and a lot of dishes,
which Jen did most of . There was also a lot of football,but not a lot of pictures.
There is one video on
my new video bar at the top right that I would like to share.
I wanted a short video to show how tall Tiler is getting.....but since
my family is super hyper-active, after dessert it
got a little out of control.

November 26, 2008

Oh!! How Wonderful

It was raining when I got up this morning!!
You probably know that it only rains at my
house a few days a year.
So I enjoy it so much!!
Maybe my Rain Lily will bloom.
If it does you know I will take a picture of it.

November 3, 2008

Up-Date on the Snake

OK, so I obsessed about the snake.
I looked on the Internet and in every field guild I have,until I found it.
It is a Night Snake, gets only 12" to 24" long and of course
is nocturnal and is rarely I guess he
will not be much company for me!!
Don't worry....he is harmless, I think!!

Look what I found.

Right in my backyard!!
I picked up a stepping stone....
and there he was.
What a treat!!

He is very tiny and immediately started to curl up.

I don't know if he was curling up to strike or
to hide?? He did not move from this position
while I was taking pictures.....but when
I went to get a jar to put him in,
he got away.

Do you know what he is??
At first I thought he was a rattle snake (no rattles yet) but
now I think he is just a garter snake.

When I first moved in this house, a had a small
garter snake that lived in my little rock river.
I would see him from time to time,
it didn't bother me....but one night when it rained, he got
between the screen and and glass door.
When I opened the door it must have scared him
and he jumped right in the house.
I got him out with a pair of spaghetti thongs.
After my first year here, I did not see
that snake again.

I am going to go look for this little one again,
I think he may be under that rock in the picture.
He is so little I do not see him going very far.

If it is a garter snake I will be very happy....I could
use the company!!!!