I only had one day to go up North but what a beautiful day it was.
This is looking over to Anderson Mesa. You can see the
San Francisco Peaks in the back,
they are near Flagstaff and are the highest in Arizona.

There is a sign on my way to Lake Mary it says
Kinnikinick Lake 9 miles.
I have been wanting to see what a Kinnikinick Lake looks like.

So it looks like this.
It was a pleasant surprise to arrive at this lake.
The road was dirt but not bad to travel.
There were only a handful of fishermen at this lake, it was so peaceful.

Even though it was a little muddy in spots and a little wavy from a breeze.

It had a very pretty shoreline with some interesting plants and trees.
I will try to make this long story short!!
When I got to the far end, there was a dam, I got out of my kayak and walked up on top.
I never do this, it must have been fate!!!
What did I see??
I could not believe it!!
It was another lake.
This lake was clear blue and perfectly still, there was not one person there.
You know how much I love...... NO PEOPLE!!
I had to go!!!!!! It was like a dream!!!!!
I hustled back to my kayak and across lake Kinnikinick.
I loaded up in the truck and starting down the little road to the East;
this was a terrible road, it took me forever, only going 1-5 miles an hour.
The road had big rocks and holes, I didn't want to hurt my truck,
you know how much I love it!!
Luckily it was only a little over 1 mile to that lake.
When I got there it was very primitive, no parking lot and no boat ramp, NOTHING!
When I was putting in I scared 5 Great Blue Herons
and they flew across the lake, what a beautiful sight!!
I started to paddle out and then I stopped........
I realized it was totally silent here, not just quiet but silent.
The Silent Lake!!!
I stayed at this lake as long as I could, enjoying the peace that it had to offer.
When I got home I looked up the name of the lake, the real name is Morton Lake, but I like my name best.