I had not planned on kayaking on Sunday
because I thought I would be too tired from the river trip.
I was OK, so off I went!!

I first went to Woods Canyon Lake,
it was not far off the highway. There were so many
people there I thought I would not like it.
But... it was not bad, it was pretty big
for a northern lake.

Most of the people were on shore fishing and letting their kids
run a muck and make all kinds of noise. But some where
in boats since they rent them there.
These girls caught a fish and were happy to pose for
a picture. I witnessed a lot of fish being caught here.
I guess that is why the crowd.

If there is a quiet place I can always find it.
At the left end of the lake there were NO PEOPLE!!!
It was a hike on foot and the water was to shallow for most boats
so I was all alone.

It was pretty here but I had to move on,
I was pretty far from the camp and had more
stops to make.

Next I stopped at Bear Canyon Lake, a little
disappointing because you could not put your boat in.
You can only hike to it, only 1/4 of a mile
but down a step hill.

But coming to this lake was worth it.
I have only seen three Tarantulas in my
life, in the wild, and this one was a beauty!!

Knoll Lake
My third stop and it was getting late in the day so
I did not get to stay at this lake as long as I would have liked.
Since it is 20 miles on a dirt road not many people come here.

It was a beautiful lake with a large island in the middle.
I kayaked around the island and then had to go.
I was almost out of gas in the truck so I could not go
back the way I came. I used my map and took the
Rim Road (303) back to camp 24 more miles on
a dirt road, boy are we dirty,
my kayak and me!!
That is another blog!!!