Willow Lake was a little rocky today,
as there was wind when we arrived.

Especially out in the open water.

There was some calm in the coves,
and here, there was a big beautiful
Cottonwood tree.

There was plenty of riparian area to see
wildlife, which we did.
We saw Belted Kingfisher, Cooper's Hawk, Northern Harrier Hawk,
Red-tailed Hawk, Herons and Egrets, Western Grebes and even more
but we did not have our binoculars with us so we cannot
name them all.

We sat here for a while and listened to
the Virginia Rails calling, but
they never came out, darn!

There was a lot of exploring to do...we love that part too.

Biggest surprise of the day...A big and beautiful
BALD EAGLE. We could not
believe our eyes!
We stayed on the lake for about four hours
but the wind became stronger than we were.
It was another great day on a