April 6, 2008

Who's Watching You???? 4/6/2008

I did volunteer gardening at the old castle downtown.
In addition to gardening we took a tour of
the grounds and learned about
the family history.
There is a very interesting story about this place.
You can read all about it at
When it was built in 1930, it was not even
in the city limits. Now it is in the middle of downtown Phoenix.

When I was done there I joined my friends Marlene and Toni
over at the park.
REI was having a kayak demo day, so we were pretending
to have plenty of money to buy additional kayaks
for summer fun!

We were having so much fun we didn't even notice
that we were being watched!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, that's funny. If only he was rich and ready to kick the bucket he would be a great admirer!!!!